I’m Celeste Williamson, I have been teaching yoga for around 15 years and I have been a body worker for more then 20 years. I have been working with doTERRA for the last year, and I’m enchanted with the company and the quality of the oils, supplements, household products, and self care products. I’m so grateful to have found this oils that are truly incredible. I have used essential oils for more than 20 years, and I can tell you that there is something truly especial about this company and what they stand for is in alignment with my core values.
doTERRA is definitely not a pyramid scheme because they have their own products to sell and they do not solely rely on recruiting people. You can only make a certain amount of money by retailing and selling doTERRA products.
The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is working to empower people and communities worldwide to make a positive change. Through partnerships for global impact, matching support for Wellness Advocate Projects and by facilitating community development projects in Co-Impact Sourcing® areas, people are empowered and lives are changed.
Healing hands is a foundation that is empowering many to free people from disease and poverty, to provide the tools for them to be self sufficient. Community education for women and girls, to provide dignity, health and opportunities around hygiene and how to manage their cycles. https://doterrahealinghands.org/how-we-empower
doTERRA’s Healing Hands Foundation™ recently provided product donations to Operation Underground Railroad, for the organization’s "Save the Babes" event that raised money to help free children from human trafficking. The event proved successful, with $5,000 of funds raised to enable Operation Underground Railroad to save about five children.
The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is contributing to Mentors International’s vision. For years, doTERRA has donated to Mentors International to help them give micro-loans to impoverished entrepreneurs in developing countries. These micro-loans will help businesses flourish and increase sustainable living among entrepreneurs and their families. Mentors internationals an organizations that are providing micro loans to farmers to start are supporting countries like Ghana, Nepal, Philippines and Guatemala.
The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® has forged a corporate partnership with the 3Strands Global Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to stopping the serious and widespread issue of sex-trafficking. By partnering with 3Strands Global, the Healing Hands Foundation can help to make a difference in places like Nepal, Cambodia, and the United States where the human trafficking industry is rapidly growing.
In our home, doTERRA Essential Oils provide us with safe, natural alternatives to chemical and pharmaceutical products, we truly see an immediate difference as we take the supplements and as our children use the kids oils. In my practice as a massage therapist the essential oils have created deep healing in any and all of my clients that have received the power of these oils. And during my breathwork and mentoring sessions we use the healing properties of the oils to create deep healing in the psychological patterns that are not longer needed to become far more wholesome and to create maps in the brain to create long lasting effects.
Two choices. You may use this link to purchase your doTERRA Oils as a Wholesale Customer, receiving wholesale pricing and the option to build a business in the future if you wish.
You may also consider building a business with doTERRA, by becoming a Wellness Advocate
It took me a year to wrap my mind around building a team - now I'm glad to spend dedicated hours per week to my growing business. I've recreated my relationship to money, to efficiency and to the idea of running my own company; the result is financial freedom and a chance to be more charitable for the causes that matter to me.