Sacred and Fierce Shakti ~ The Retreat

October 2nd ~ October 4th

Are you feeling like there are barriers being put in front of you at work?  Are you feeling like there is something limiting you in your home life?  Whether parenting, sistering, friending, working or living, we come to moments in our lives that rise up like brick walls.  We believe they are too substantial to scale.  We believe that we can’t go any higher.  Those beliefs are echoed from all corners of our daily lives, more than likely, the loudest echoes are from within ourselves.  

Our experiences, from the moment we are born, start forming our beliefs.  Sometimes this is the belief we can fly, so we fly.  Much more often the belief is one that limits us.  And throughout our lives, we give that belief a personality and superhuman strength.

Sisters, we also have a superhuman strength to blow through those barriers.  Within your Temple Body lives a unique spark that needs to be nurtured in order to fully activate your divine feminine.  This is your Shakti. In Hinduism, Shakti is the primordial cosmic energy and represents the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the entire universe.  

Each of us embodies Shakti in many ways through our own feminine experience.  What does it mean to truly embody our own feminine? We have all created limiting beliefs around the idea of the feminine, whether from family, religion or society.  Let’s start redefining our own feminine.  One area that doesn’t get discussed nearly enough is that in order to celebrate our divine feminine, we also need to be in touch and in balance with our divine masculine. Society seems to have an idea that you can be either feminine or masculine.  But we are all daughters of the feminine and masculine.   Let’s step into a new definition of feminine together.  Join me as we dive deep into the 5 archetypes and 3 sacred couples in Hinduism.  Each of these provides a valuable model for balancing our own Shakti.

We will work through our chakras to focus on the understanding of our shadows., creativity, and relationships with our own mothers and fathers.  As well, we will work to understand our relationship and influences from the divine mother and divine father.  What does it mean to be a woman, a mother, a creator, and a manifestor?  It means owning the unlimited potential that we all inherit and possess. 

What to expect:

Cacao ceremony

Breathwork ceremonies

Sound healing including Kirtan

Sharing circles

Sisterhood and human connection

Nutritious meals *Gluten Free and Vegan options will be provided


Investment: $675

You are welcome to reserve your spot $250 use Venmo or PayPal.